IMAGINE DRAGONS ALBUM COVER SMOKE AND MIRRORS FULL The range of musical styles resembled a hodgepodge compilation of uncertainty. It is evident that they are still experimenting, however, so the band should not necessarily be penalized for this factor, although it is somewhat off-putting. One enjoyable aspect of the album was Reynold’s voice, which is pleasant to listen to and compliments the musicality of the band nicely. It is evident that he experimented with different vocal styles in the production of “Smoke + Mirrors,” mostly with successful results. Unfortunately, however, in multiple songs his vocals were overpowered by the instruments, or the two simply did not sound satisfying together, as they have previously. Notably in “I’m So Sorry,” the music was overpowering with regards to the vocals, an unpleasing phenomenon. While personally, I do not intend to listen to the album again due to these factors, I do not discourage anyone else from doing so. IMAGINE DRAGONS ALBUM COVER SMOKE AND MIRRORS FULL.